Cultivar Bem-Estar: Monitorização da Canábis como recurso no tratamento da Dor em Idosos, através do Design
Population aging is a global reality that triggers a series of challenges, especially with regard to people’s health and well-being. Understanding and addressing the challenges effectively requires innovation and solutions tailored to specific and personalized needs. In this research, I propose to analyze the possibility of increasing the well-being of the elderly, facilitating access to médica Canábis, which has been increasingly recognized for its therapeutic benefits in various health conditions associated with aging, and assessing the possibility of monitoring this consumption.
Since this approach is based on design, I propose to respond to these factors by developing a prototype of a multifunctional and versatile device that can accompany the elderly in their daily lives, facilitate Canábis consumption through the possibility of monitoring results by recording associated emotions, the possibility of detecting patterns, and also provide transport. The aim is to improve the quality of life of the elderly, especially in terms of controlling Canábis consumption, reducing risk behavior, providing truthful information, and promoting communication.
Next are the “case studies," which are explored for a more detailed analysis of existing scientific studies. This is followed by the “cognitive map” and the “Ishikawa diagram," which provide a clearer view of user interactions with the product. The Generative Phase, based on Design Thinking, integrates the empathization, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing phases. The empatic phase was integrated into the exploratory phase; the definition, ideation, and prototyping phases are addressed in the generative phase; and the evaluation phase integrates the testing phase. The Concept Map and Storyboarding are used to visually organize ideas and develop coherent narratives that guide the design process so that it can be perceived intuitively. Next, product evaluation is conducted using Kano Analysis, which prioritizes the attributes that have the greatest impact on user satisfaction. This dissertation explores the factors surrounding the quality of life of senior citizens, through to the ethical and legal perspectives of Canábis consumption, the prejudices associated with it and the difficulty of controlling the results of use, particularly in the treatment of pain.
Throughout this document, not only the related technical and scientific issues will be explored, but also the possibility of responding to some of these needs through design. This is an exploratory study that aims to promote the well-being and dignity of the elderly in today’s society in relation to Canábis consumption.
· Key words:
Seniors; Quality of Life; Emotions; Canábis, Product and Service Design
The development of support in a practice-centered approach to
methods to have a significant impact on the promotion of physical and emotional well-being through a small-scale product and its respective information, follow-up, and monitoring service.
Thus, exploring how the incorporation of various practices can offer effective support to deal with the challenges of daily life, improve emotional resilience, and cultivate a sense of serenity, consequently improving quality of life.
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